About Us
It is a pleasure to welcome to Peace House International Ministry, where provision is already made for spiritual, financial and material needs through our Lord Jesus Christ.
After the vision of our Founder and Overseer, Pastor Abiola Tokode, we are a body of spirit-filled believers motivated by the Holy Spirit to form a vibrant multinational church with the view of spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the uttermost part of the Earth. We are a family bound by a common faith and hope in Christ Jesus our Savior.
Canada is the Headquarters of Peace House Mission Worldwide. We also have branches in Qatar, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, India and Australia
Our Core Values
- Outreach: To communicate God’s word and bring people into the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15)
- Worship: To live in the light of God’s presence and to celebrate God’s presence in singing, praying, giving, hearing and sharing the Word of God together as believers (John 4:23-24; 1 Cor.14:26).
Our Mission
- To preach the Gospel of salvation and Healing message of Jesus Christ to every nation
- To make, build and train believers to become disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- To sensitize believers to their God’s given purpose
- To raise a generation Army that will understand their calling in God’s overall program in this end time
Our Beliefs
- We believe that the scripture is the infallible and authoritative word of God, given by the inspiration of God for the purpose of directing men to salvation, correcting, instructing, rebuking and furnishing.
- We believe that God the Father is the creator of heaven and the earth, the source of life and only one God: infinite, eternal, loving, true and holy.